During Mystics arena time,I thought I would introduce a few new items to pique his interest and expose him to some new things. At the local feed store, I picked up a "yoga" ball made out of an especially strong rubber so that if a horse should bite it, it wont pop. I then took myself over to Dollar Tree and bought three hula hoops and some bubbles at $1.00 each. I felt it was a pretty small investment to make in my "horse toy experiment". I do not have any bubble photos to accompany this blog post as it is VERY difficult to be both the "bubble blower" and the photographer simultaneously. You can bet, when I get an extra set of hands, photos WILL be forthcoming! Anyhow, I tossed the ball and the hula hoop into the arena and allowed Mystic to explore them in his own time and space. He sniffed at the ball and pushed it slightly with his nose. I am hoping that someday he will figure out how much fun can be had by pushing the ball and chasing it around the arena with his nose. I see the Pat Parelli horses do it in the videos and it all looks so effortless and fun...for them. Of course of all the toys I bought, that was the most expensive and the one he is most wary of. I then proceeded to blow the bubbles around him. He stood there looking at me as if to say "Really Mom?" only twitching a little when one would pop on his face. I feel its important to expose a horse to as much as possible...one never knows when one might come across a slew of floating bubbles with one's horse. The hula hoop has seemed to be the most interesting toy in Mystic's world. He enjoys grabbing and holding it in his mouth. Maybe one day he will teach his momma how to pick it up and actually hula hoop with it around her waist. Then we could both have a great laugh. However, there will be no photos of that. Lastly, the cheapest "toys" of all are the various sticks and pieces of tumbleweed Mystic is so fond of picking up, walking around with, and then eating. Someday I hope to entice him with a paintbrush and a large canvas and cheap finger paint. Then he and I could paint together. Now THAT would be a photo wouldn't it?
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