Monday, August 5, 2013


Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending three days in a row with Mystic. I worked with him in the round pen on Thursday teaching him some lessons such as moving away from pressure and bouncing a blue ball around and on top of him to get him used to "scary things". All in all, it went pretty well. On Friday, I spent the afternoon letting him loose in the big arena and chasing him around so I could get more photos of him in action. He was much "jumpier" that day and didn't seem to want to connect with me too much. I left the barn Friday evening feeling discouraged and disappointed. I questioned myself and thought "maybe I'm making him jumpy because I'm chasing him around all the time trying to get pictures". I felt like I was inadvertently pushing my friend away. Saturday morning I awoke to a beautiful day. As I was eating breakfast I opened my journal and read some quotes I had copied down from a horseman named Klaus Hempfling. He is known for his ability to "dance" and make connections with horses in a way that honors their spirit and Soul. The first quote I read said " Closeness to a horse, and to nature, never comes from the desire for closeness~closeness comes only from closeness to One's inner Self" That quote hit me like a ton of bricks and I had an "awakening moment". I realized that I had been approaching Mystic with an agenda. I had certain tasks in my mind I wanted to accomplish when I went to go see him. I realized when you have an agenda with a horse, or with anyone for that matter, it diminishes the time spent together because rather than simply enjoying the company of "the other" and letting things fall into place, there are expectations like "shoulds", "oughts" or "musts" that when not met, creates disappointment and hurt feelings. The magic of relationship is lost.  The second quote I read said " In dealing with horses remember, it is the Nothingness born out of Trust which the horses follow". I began to realize this journey with Mystic is not just about me rescuing and owning and training a Mustang. This journey is much deeper and more Sacred than that. Ultimately this is a journey about Love, Healing, Awareness, Open Heartedness, Authenticity,  Trust, Respect, Honoring, Surrender and Acceptance not only with Mystic, but also, with myself. He is my mirror. I went to the barn that morning with a new attitude. When I approached him in his stall, I did not immediately reach for the halter. I walked in, I said hello, I turned away to give him the space to approach me. He did right away. He was not jumpy. His ears were pricked forward in curiousity and welcoming energy. I walked out of the inside of the stall to the small outside enclosure. He followed me there. There was a marked change in his energy from the days before. I could tell he wanted to be with me. I felt joyful! I placed his halter on him and he did not pull his head away like he had done in times past. I was quiet, and soft. And so was he. We walked out of the stall and down to the big arena. I had my camera in hand but this time, no agenda. Inside the arena, I removed his halter and stepped away. I let him go where he wanted and at his own pace. There was no chasing. No running. Nothing but calm Stillness. I took a step stool, my camera, and a book, and sat in the arena under the shade of a pine tree. I took pictures of him as he wandered from one end of the space to the other, meandering and exploring in his own way and time. After about 45 minutes, he walked over to me. He nibbled on my shoes, on my hair, the soft breath of his nostrils warmed my face. I wiped the tears from his watery eyes, off of his face and kept the flies away. He hung his head close to mine and closed his eyes. Every now and then, he would let out a big breath of release and relaxation. I put my hand up to his forehead between his eyes and gave him Reiki. I placed my forehead on his forehead...we were Third Eye to Third Eye. We were connecting and bonding and I cried softly because for the first time in a very long time, I could feel pure, unconditional love flow. It enveloped us both. Magic happened out of Stillness. We were two beings simply sharing time and space and Love together. No agenda. No Should. No Must. No Ought To. I thought "This is the meaning of Being. In. Love." My horse is teaching me how to open to love again. I had not realized how much I had closed myself from it until I spent that time with him. We are all here on this beautiful planet to know and Be and experience Love. Mystic is such an amazing Teacher. He is my Buddha.

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